Making custom Necrons for my rpg

So thanks to a comment by Rob I decided to kind of make a how-to on the custom necrons I made for my rpg campain.
Though most of these pictures are taken somewhat haphazardly during my build, I hope they will still be of use.

(Excuse the mess) 1.Glue 2.Knife 3.Nipper 4.Hobby files 5.Sanding paper (of different grit) 6.Pin vice 7.Paper-clips 8.Silicone brushes 9.Epoxy putty 10.Modelling putty.

You will also need the something to snack and good background music (both are optional)
Also a box of necron Immortals/deathmarks is somwhat nessesary since that’s what I used as a base for the customs.

I will spitt the tutorial up in different body parts to make things easier to explain. but all stages require you to at least remove the nubmarks and moldlines.

Lets start with the head

Step one! apply a blob of epoxy putty to make the face look like a brick!
Once dried (aproximetly 24 hours), use your files to refine the shape of the head and to finnish, create a slit in the middle going down along the face.
broaden the slit with some files or knifes. I used a hobby saw since I was satisfied with the thickness of the track it created.

Next, assembly the the torso of the deathmark without adding the back part.

Instead cut of parts from the tesla guns (power tubes, caples and detail) and glue them in an orderly fashion in the back pocket.

Should look a bit like this once assembled, minus head and arms and stuff



Now shorten the shoulder guards and fill the gaps of the “ribcage” with epoxy putty.
File down any unevenness once dried and fix patches with modelling putty if you find any.

like that but with smoother surface.

Let’s do the legs now!
Start by removing the spine from the legs and replace it with a metal clip, the length will determine the height of the of the model, remeber to gif it a bit extra since you need some to pin the legs to the torso. Now! The texture I tried to replicate using Epoxy putty and silicone brushes was the type of protective cover some robots use to prevent decontamination in sterile areas so it was a matter of making the epoxy look like as baggy as possibe through poking and creating naturally wrinkles all over.

something like this.

Now remove the area around the supposed calf of the necron and do the same procedure as the spine. (I have no picture for this in WIP but should look like this once complete)

The Arms are a bit special since I probably put down most time here.
Once you have chosen a pair of arms that you think will suit your little monster, remove the area between the elbow and shoulder-joint and pin a paperclip in the angle you want the arm to bend. Proceed then to do the same thing you did, using epoxy on the spine and legs. Here comes the hardest part, depending on how advance you want to go. Carefully remove the hands from the weapon you have choosen and start to remove the excess material left in the hands such as the stock and trigger. If you haven’t, this is a great time to replace your blade with a new sharp one but be carefull with your fingers.
Okay! once that is done, fix the hands to the arms and then we can begin to assemble the full mini.  Pin the legs to the torso and glue head and arms to the body an a suiting fashion.
Your finnished result should look something like this:

Now get the crew together.

You may choose to paint your murder machines in whatever fashion you want but the blood splatter was achieved by watering down some red acryllics and after getting little dab of paint on the brush, flicking the bristles in order to create the wanted effect.

Now your group of psychopathic murder robots are complete. And so should your snacks. Now go and impress some of your friends, colleagues or rivals with a new army of stylish high-tech necrons OR! Realease you drone spamming murderbots on some unsuspecting fellow players during an campain in the dark, desolate undergrounds of an abandoned research facility.

Hope you have had fun with this kind of tutorial.  Thank you for reading.

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